a. The Executive Committee to comprise, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer, 1 x Divisional Secretaries, Fixture Secretary, Competitions Secretary, 3 x City Secretaries, and up to 5 Committee members elected at the AGM. Executive Committee meetings will normally be held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7.30 (19:30)
b. Divisional Secretary
The Divisional Secretary will deal in the first instance with any enquiries received from Team Secretaries. If these enquiries cannot be resolved they will be put before the Executive Committee.
c. Any team which is in default to the League books at the end of the financial year 31st May shall not be eligible for membership in the following season.
d. All teams must reply to official correspondence from the League within 14 days. Failure to do so will result in a fine of £5.
e. Trophies must be returned on the first Monday of April each year at the Walls Club between 7.30 (19:30) and 9.00pm (21:00). Failure to do so shall result in a £10 fine and the cost of any damage will be decided by the Executive Committee.
f. Prize monies not collected on Presentation Night will be donated to a Charity of the Executive Committee’s choice.
g. Failure to collect Result Cards, Divisional Details, Fixture Sheets at the AGM will result in a £5 fine.
h. All fine are to be paid within 14 days of notification. Failure to pay shall result in fines being doubled. If the increased fine remains unpaid after 28 days then the team shall be further dealt with by the Executive Committee.
i. All amendments regarding alteration of rules must be submitted in writing to the General Secretary 21 days before the AGM and must receive a 51% majority to be passed. In the event of a voting situation at the AGM, only one vote per team will be accepted. No alterations are accepted from the floor and all alterations are effective immediately.
a. The fees for the current season will be £35. Teams wishing to enter the Front Pin Knockout in either section 1 or section 2 should add a further £5 entry fee. All payments are to be made by cheque or postal order and made payable to G.C.S.L. The name of the team should be entered on the back of the cheque or postal order. These membership cards must be returned to the treasurer no later than the 30th April. Teams failing to comply with this rule will be fined £5, doubled to £10 if still outstanding after 14 days. Any membership card that is not completed correctly will be returned and will incur a £5 fine.
b. All teams must register a minimum of fourteen (14) players who must be thirteen (13) years or over. A player can only be registered for one team in this league. There is no restriction on the number of ladies that can be registered or play.
c. Should a team run short they can register a new player up 7.30 (19:30) on the night of play, provided they can inform a Committee Member or the Divisional Secretary.
d. Players can transfer, but a transfer form must be obtained from the Divisional Secretary and be completed, signed by both teams involved, thus signifying that no monies are outstanding to the team he or she is leaving. Once this form is returned to the Treasurer with a £5 transfer fee, the player will be eligible to play from that date. The transfer deadline is January 31st.
e. Any alterations to the Teams Details must be sent in writing to the General Secretary.
f. Any changes affecting the night of play or alley must be notified to their opponents for the rest of the season.
g. Any team that wants to change their name should first apply in writing to the General Secretary.
h. If a member of any team withdrawing from the league, once the season is underway, then wishes to play for another team during the same season, the new team will be charged 1 £5 re-registration fee.
a. Teams must consist of 10 players. (A N Other rule is the exception to this, explanation on home page) The match is to be played in two halves of 5 players. Each half will consist of 10 legs. Captains will toss a coin for choice of set, changing round at half time. 2 points will be awarded to the team with the highest score in the first half, 2 points will be awarded to team with the highest score in the second half and 4 points for the team that wins overall. In the event of a tied match the points will be shared i.e. 4 points each.
b. Match to start at 7.30pm (19:30), (8pm (20:00) on double alleys), second half at 9pm(21:00) (9.15pm (21:15) on double alleys).
c. Any team short of players in the first or second half is allowed two legs in which a late player or reserve can step in. If late players have not arrived by the start of the third leg, the team concerned must play short for the half.
d. Home teams are responsible for providing pins. Sets of pins can be made of wood or plastic, but no mixed sets will be permitted. The front pin should be clearly marked with a three inch black band top and bottom, with a four inch white band in the middle. Any team reported for not having a clearly marked front pin will be fined.
e. The home team to supply the balls (1 set of three balls). The maximum size of ball is 5 inches. Balls can be made of wood or rubber and no mixed sets will be permitted.
f. The no ball line should be at least 12 feet from the heel board or back wall and 16 feet if possible. The diamond is to be a minimum of 47 inches and a maximum of 51 inches, centered from the front pin to back pin, and the same across the diamond. Where the diamond is smaller than the minimum requirements, any score 90 or over will not be recognised by the league and no certificates will be awarded. Any ball not grounded before the no ball line or touching the side of the alley before reaching the diamond is a no ball and any pins floored by a no ball must be replaced and the ball lost to the player. Any pin re-standing within the diamond is still in play.
g. Captains are in charge of the game and must deal with any queries during the match, giving a fair and just decision. If unable to agree, the matter must be sent in to the General Secretary who will present the case in front of the Executive Committee for their ruling.
h. Barracking, gamesmanship, foul and abusive language will not be allowed and should be reported to the General Secretary. Offending teams will be fined £10 or dismissed from the League, in which case a player or team will be excluded from the Charity League and the Ladies League.
i. Any player injured or taken ill during a match can be replaced with a reserve. Any scores already made by the player being replaced will still count.
j. The stickers must be 16 years of age to comply with Gloucester City Bylaws.
k. Should two or more teams tie on points for the top or bottom of league tables, the aggregate pins floored by the teams concerned will be decide the position.
l. All players and stickers take part at their own risk.
a. The home team is completely responsible for the CORRECT COMPLETION in all aspects of the result card. Any error will result in a fine of £5.
b. A result card MUST BE SENT IN whatever the final situation of the match. In the case of un-played matches, reasons, dates and by whom the postponement or cancellation was requested (see rule 5) should be forwarded to the Divisional Secretary.
c. Result cards must be in by noon on the Wednesday following the week that the match should have been played and any missing card will be fined £5.
(5.1) No alteration to the Fixture List shall be allowed except for the following
a. In the case of an emergency, as determined by the Divisional Secretary.
b. A fixture having been scheduled over a Bank Holiday date.
c. In the case of exceptional bad weather conditions, as determined by the Divisional Secretary.
d. By re-arranging the game (after informing the Divisional Secretary) for the following reasons ONLY:
(5.2) To re-arrange a game in relation to the above, full compliance with the following rules is required:
a. The team requesting to re-arrange the game must inform the opposition at least 14 days prior to the original fixture date, with the exception of rule 5.1c where the Divisional Secretary needs to be informed ASAP. (player safety is paramount). With this in mind the committee are expecting teams to plan ahead as there is no reason why the game cannot be played before the original date. This is to prevent fixture congestion during the Christmas Break.
b. Re-arranged games may be played at any time, subject to alley availability BUT a re-arranged game from the first part of the season must be played before the second half of the season begins and re-arranged games from the second part of the season must be played before the end of March.
c. The home team will provide two new dates to play the game. If for whatever reason an agreement isn’t reached by the date of the original fixture then the General Secretary will enforce a date for the game to be played.
d. There shall be no re-arranged games in April except as stated in 5.1 a or c.
e. In relation to item 5.b, there are only 2 Bank Holidays post-Christmas break (April 7th Good Friday & April 10th Easter Monday)
Team secretaries must plan ahead and arrange the new fixtures before the original date so no games are played after Easter Monday.
f. In the event that the original alley is unavailable, the fixture must be arranged on a neutral alley. If this is not agreed then the General Secretary will arrange the fixture and both teams will be fined £10.
g. If a team wishes to re-arrange a Hurran Cup game then it is at the discretion of the Competition Secretary if that team continues in the competition due to how the competition is run.
h. A team may only re-arrange a maximum of two games in a season.
i. If any of the above rules are not adhered to the instigating team will be fined £10.
(5.3) Cancelation of games
If a game is cancelled (so not played) the instigating team will incur a £10 fine and the 8 points will be awarded to the opposition. The final decision sits with the Committee.
a. The Hubert Browning Trophy will be awarded annually to the player with the highest individual score in league matches, not including alleys where the diamond is too small for the 90+ Certificates. (Rule 3f)
b. The Howard Davies Trophy will be awarded annually to the player with the top away average in the Premier Division and Division 1
c. The Jeff Turner Trophy will be awarded annually to the player with the top away average in the remaining divisions. In order to qualify, members must not miss more than 3 of their teams away games during the season. Secretaries should send details to the Divisional Secretary in respect averages over 70 by 30th April.
Any matters not covered by these concise rules will be dealt with by the Executive Committee, their ruling is final.
Any fine imposed will be doubled if not paid within 14 days. If the doubled fine is still not paid after a further 28 days the offending team will be dealt with by the Executive Committee.
If you have any questions about our services, please get in touch with a member of our team so we can talk about it.
Copyright © 2025 Gloucester City Skittles League - All Rights Reserved.